Aptos Sports Foundation Poker Tournament Turns Up Aces for Youth
The Aptos Sports Foundation re-invigorated it’s Poker Tournament on Saturday
November 14 and once again was not disappointed by the outpouring of support for the kids of this community.
The fabulous atmosphere, food and drink at Seascape Golf Club made it easy for Texas
Holdem' players to settle in and compete for some serious bragging rights and impressive
prizes donated by many throughout Santa Cruz County.
A special thank you to Craig Robinson, Garrett Jewelers, The Holder Family as well as The Crow's Nest, Cafe Rio, and The Hideout to name just a few for their generous donations to the cause.
Rich Seadler was the last man standing and took top prize at the tournament, followed by
Jeff Zaharie, Jeff Harper, Charlie Scibetta, Dave Waite, Ken Kisner, Paul Crawford, and
Steve Ghio who all walked away with a prize.
One hundred percent of the proceeds from the successful night will go directly to the
student-athletes of this community, improving the quality of sports at Aptos High School
and it's feeder programs.
Recently, the Aptos Sports Foundation approved funding for 12 permanent benches to be
installed at the high school tennis courts. We are also working to install scoreboards at
the softball field and pool for water polo use.
In the near future, the Foundation hopes to support a digital marquee at the entrance to
Aptos High School for announcements of athletic and various school events. Almost
every high school in the tri-county area currently has some form of digital signage and Aptos deserves to promote the wonderful activities happening at the school and keep the community updated on what students are doing.
None of this would be possible without our community support, so if you would like to
help, the ASF Golf Tournament is April 29, 2016. Or give a gift any time of the year
through the Foundation's new endowment fund.
For more information visit: aptossportsfoundation.com